Privacy Policy
God gave you the gift of freewill. 2022-12-21 @ 221714

No Cookies: Reducing Global Warming by Not Force-Feeding Your Browser with Empty Calories

[Logo] does not current­ly use cookies.

Cookies are short chunks of text sent by a web­site to your web brows­ing soft­ware. As you may suspect, there are pros and cons associated with them.

This is neither a diatribe against cookies or in praise of them. First off, from a market­ing angle it didn’t hurt to call them cookies since most people enjoy eating cookies.

But unlike physical cookies which you—by the very neces­sary and enjoy­able act of nature it takes to in­spect it and con­sume it—pass through a num­ber of your senses before you store it, digital com­pu­ter cookies are: given to you, stored by you, and handed out to others, complete­ly unbeknownst to you.

Wikipedia has a thorough and not-bad overview of HTTP cookies. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) steers Inter­net stan­dards and docu­ments them or explains how they should be implemented.

HTTP State Management Mechanism’ is the docu­ment set­ting out the latest ver­sion of deal­ing with cookies.


No Stalking does not use track­ing mechan­isms to follow you around. The web­sites you visit are your busi­ness and does not make any ef­fort to inveigle your brows­ing hist­ory or steal it using Java­Script or by other means.

I host a number of web­sites but no effort is made to cor­rel­ate visits among them. [Logo] If at some point I do an analysis on the logs of the web host, it will most likely be due to try­ing to figure out how much abuse I am receiv­ing from auto­ma­ted bots, i.e. other people’s poor pro­grams they call AI (Artificial Intelligence).


No Selling You Out

[Logo] does not be­lieve in sel­ling you out.

No fake or de­cep­tive off­ers in order to har­vest your name, email address, per­son­al in­for­ma­tion or per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy­ing in­for­ma­tion, so it can be sold to others.

I am not against host­ing ad­ver­tise­ments at some point, however that’s not plan­ned soon. And given my dis­like for how Java­Script is so abused, I will most likely not allow any Java­Script to be used.

Factors Currently Beyond My Control

This Web Host

The hardware my sites are hosted on is not under my con­trol. I know vague­ly where they are, but not really. The op­er­at­ing sys­tem and soft­ware seems em­bar­ras­sing­ly out­dated and not patch­ed like I believed they said they would. I am current­ly enter­tain­ing sug­ges­tions and offers to move my domains and modest host­ing elsewhere.

I don’t know the extent they are track­ing you and try­ing to profit from stalking you.

See the Protection section which follows below.

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Likewise, your ISP is doing the same or worse, depend­ing on where you are and who you are.

See the Protection section which follows below.


Some people who claim to love their religious beliefs, some people who are indif­ferent to religion, and some people who hate religion will work to under­mine thus attack you.

See the Protection section which follows below.


As soon as you start to educate yourself you are under attack from those who benefit from keeping you ignorant.

People who have a conflict-of-interest or demand to be your superior will too easily jump to conclusions and work to make your life more difficult. Or ironically use an opposite strategy of showering you with things to distract and misdirect you.

Please be on guard. See the Protection section which follows below.


Protection does not yet offer an onion site but recom­mends Tor Browser anyway. Tor Browser is a hard­ened ver­sion of FireFox custom­ized by the Tor Project, it can be down­loaded for free (.onion) ; there are ver­sions for mobile de­vices too.

Additionally for mobile devices, I highly rec­om­mend using Orbot as well.

Both Tor Browser and Orbot are avail­able for mul­ti­ple oper­at­ing systems. [Logo: End.]